Sunday 10 June 2012

A customised post card for Father's Day

At last, I have made something. I haven't been in the mood for making of late. My new job is zapping all my energy both physically and emotionally. My brain is full of German and there just isn't any space left for creativity. However, with Father's Day only a week away, I thought I should have a go at a simple make.

I used a large postcard that I bought in a pack of 5 at Ikea the other year. I really like these vintage sailing ship images. To pep it up a little, I put a blue pennant on the mast, some glitter, a felt heart and some seagull ribbon on the top corner. It will be making it's way from the Czech Republic to the UK tomorrow, with any luck.

I didn't make a gift for my Dad this year, but I did find some lovely presents for him in the Highgrove online shop. If you want something a bit different on the gardening and homeware side, take a look!

What are you making for Father's Day?


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